Michelle Daniel Jones

Michelle Daniel Jones is a doctoral student in the American Studies program New York University who has published and presented her research and presented legislative testimony on a reentry alternative she created for long-term incarcerated people.

She serves on advisory boards and serves as a subject matter expert for the Jamii Sisterhood, The Education Trust, A Touch of Light and the Urban Institute, is a board president of Constructing Our Future (a reentry organization for women), a 2017-18 Beyond the Bars fellow, a 2017-18 Research Fellow at the Charles Warren Center for Studies in American History at Harvard University, a 2018-19 Ford Foundation Fellow with Art for Justice, a 2019 SOZE Right of Return Fellow, a 2019 Code for America Fellow and a 2019-2020 Mural Arts Fellow. As an artist, she is interested in funneling her research into artistic expressions. She co-authored the play, “The Duchess of Stringtown,” and curated two multi-media exhibitions about stigma, “Point of Triangulation” in New York and Philadelphia.


Tammara McCoy, Outreach Specialist


Michelle Fine, Advisor